Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sabbath morning walk


Railway Crossings

There is no sneaking through the railway crossing here, even when the train is not parked in the crossing . . .but if you get tired of waiting you can climb over the top!

Friday, June 29, 2007


Mickey and Ladan Ask, Susanne Montgomery, Allan Handysides and Peter Landless each expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to share with these dedicated, hardworking and gifted students. They take home many memories.

End of first two week session

Examinations today ended the first two week session. It has been very intense and after the weekend break we will start the second two week session.

Room with a View

I have a new office. I think it is the office of the Vice President for Finance - she is on vacation so I am enjoying the room and the view.

Inna, Tatiana and Irina

Sweet Gift!

This gift of wild strawberries has a perfume which must be experienced to be believed - and they taste good to.